Singing Guide: Katharine McPhee

Singing Guide: Katharine McPhee

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Katharine McPhee is one of the most talented singers and actresses of our time. With her powerful voice and exceptional singing skills, she has captivated audiences around the world. If you want to learn how to sing like Katharine McPhee, there are a few things you can do to improve your singing. In this article, we will explore her unique vocal technique and the songs that showcase it. We will also provide practical advice and resources from Singing Carrots to help you in your singing journey.

One of the most impressive things about Katharine McPhee's singing is her ability to effortlessly hit high notes and then transition into lower notes with ease. To achieve this, Katharine uses a technique known as mixed voice. Mixed voice is the combination of chest voice and head voice that helps you transition between different vocal registers. Katharine uses this technique to sing both pop and classical songs.

The song that best showcases Katharine McPhee's mixed voice technique is "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," which she performed during her American Idol audition. In this song, Katharine starts with a soft, tender voice in the lower register and then gradually builds up to the higher register with a powerful voice. Another great example of her mixed voice technique is the song "And I Am Telling You" from the musical Dreamgirls. In this song, Katharine uses her mixed voice to deliver an emotional and powerful performance.

If you want to learn how to sing like Katharine McPhee, you need to work on your mixed voice technique. Singing Carrots' vocal range test will help you determine your vocal range and identify your strengths and weaknesses. The pitch accuracy test and vocal pitch monitor will help you improve your pitch accuracy. In addition, the pitch training module offers interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizer, and exercises for range and agility.

In terms of resources and exercises from Singing Carrots that can help you develop your mixed voice, the singing beginners course offers lessons on voice registers, vocal breaks, breath support, and resonance. The Farinelli Breathing exercise, the Good Singing Posture video, and the Reflexive Breathing video will help you with breath control and posture. The Chest Voice Explained video and Singing Comfort Zone video will help you with voice registers and mixed voice.

In conclusion, if you want to learn how to sing like Katharine McPhee, you need to work on your mixed voice technique. Songs like "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and "And I Am Telling You" showcase her unique vocal style. Singing Carrots' resources such as the vocal range test, pitch accuracy test, pitch training, singing course, and videos on chest voice, voice registers, and breath support will help you develop the skills you need to sing like Katharine McPhee. Practice regularly, be patient, and stay focused on your goals, and you will soon be able to sing like Katharine McPhee.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.